This page Shows a range of CNC manufactured components such as High Precision Picatinni rails, Special Collect type Scope Mounts and Muzzel Brakes, You will not find this high level of quality made to measure scope mounts anywhere else.

Designing Air Weapons since 1994 in the heart of England

RFD No 55/00000002542

A fully professional design and development service :-
* 3D Models.
* CNC Produced, Prototypes.
* Detailed production drawings.
* Assistance with manufacturing techniques and tooling.
* Ongoing Technical assistance and product development.
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Light weight Muzzle Brake
* Illiminate Muzzle Flip on high powered Rifles.
* up to 50% reduction in Noise.
* Can help to inprove effeciency of some valve systems.
* Can Improve the Accuracy of some Rifles.

It is vitally important that only the right calibre Muzzle Break is used because too small and it could cause an accident or damage and too big and it will not have the desired effect


Light weight Muzzle Brake


Light weight version of Muzzle Break with 1/2" UNF thread and Hexagonal Muzzle End to assist fitting. This is the light weight version of our Muzzle Break individually made to order from Black Acetal ( not CNC)in various calibres from .177 (4.5m/m) to .25 (6.35 m/m) and larger if required.Since every one is made to order we can also make a unit to fit other barrel end fittings if required.Let us know what you want?Prices start from £29.95 This price is for individually hand made units if you are a company and want to purchase a reasonable number of these then we will set up to manufacture them on the CNC which will of course make them considerably cheaper.


Use the T&C button on the lower left of this page to contact us for our best price for this product.


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