Designing Air Weapons since 1994 in the heart of England

RFD No 55/00000002542

A fully professional design and development service :-
* 3D Models.
* CNC Produced, Prototypes.
* Detailed production drawings.
* Assistance with manufacturing techniques and tooling.
* Ongoing Technical assistance and product development.
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Contact Page

Please fill in the following form to get more details on any of our products or to ask a question. We look forward to your enquiry and will get back to you ASAP.

Please include your location so that we can arrange for our nearest agent to contact you, if that is what you require.

Many Thanks.

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Bayside Business Centre,

1 Sovereign Buisiness Park

48 Willis Way


BH15 3TB



Telephone +44 (0) 1202 971749


Registered Firearms Dealer no 55/00000002542

Technical Computer Support by 1st Line Support